The 4th Infantry Regiment is the second oldest unit in the United States Army (originally formed in 1796), the first American unit to travel east through the Suez Canal to fight in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War and return by vessel to California therefore circling the globe. The only unit to have four American Presidents serve within its ranks or command the unit. The only American unit authorized to wear a cloth Distinguished Unit Insignia.
Our motto is Noli Me Tangere and we are called Warriors!
The 4th Infantry Regiment Veterans’ Association
About Us
The 4th Infantry Regiment Veterans’ Association is dedicated to the preservation and traditions of the 4th Infantry Regiment. Formed in 2013 by a small group of Veterans and Active Duty Soldiers, we strive to bring together the comradeship that is present between those that have served and those that are serving. We focus on linking the Active Duty Soldier with the Veterans to keep the history alive and strong.
We focus on taking care of our Veterans and ensuring no one is left behind. We seek to perpetuate the history of the Regiment by remembering the steps our fore bearers have taken. We ensure we remember those that have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and those that have passed while serving or after their service to our country in special moments. We come together as often as possible to speak of old times and remember those that can not be there with us.
The 4th Infantry Regiment Veterans’ Association is a 501(c)(19) tax exempt organization incorporated under the laws of Louisiana as a non-profit veterans organization. The Association provides members a means to carry on the “Warrior” spirit and comradeship that has been prevalent in the Regiment from the Battle of Tippecanoe to the Wanat Valley in Afghanistan and on to the deserts of Iraq. The Association is established as a non-profit military service organization with a comprehensive Constitution and By-laws. The objectives are to promote morale and high esprit-de-corps among the members of the Regiment and provide opportunities for past and present members of the Regiment to form a close and lasting relationship. We support these objectives by hosting numerous programs with the veterans of the Regiment and the active duty Battalions.
This is who we are. We care. We are Warriors! Noli me Tangere.
4th Infantry Regiment Monument (UPDATE – October 2021)
On October 9th, 2021 the Association and Veterans of the Regiment dedicated the 4th Infantry Regiment Monument at the Walk of Honor, National Infantry Museum, Fort Benning, GA. The Monument is dedicated to those that have served, those Warriors that are currently serving and to the Warriors that made the ultimate sacrifice.

The ceremony was led by CSM(R) Martin “Freddie” Cellestine VP Operations, National Infantry Museum, and prior Operations SGM for 1st Battalion in Germany as Master of Ceremonies.

Our guest speaker was the 4th Infantry Regiment Honorary Colonel of the Regiment, LTC(R) Frank Sturek, who was 2nd Battalion’s Commander when it was reactivated at Ft Polk. He would go on to lead the Battalion into the first combat deployment to Afghanistan for the Battalion since WWII. Dedication of the Monument was led by the President of the 4th Infantry Regiment Veteran’s Association, SSG(R) Richard Wideman.

LTC(R) Frank Sturek said “It was an honor to speak at the ceremony that was the culmination of the 4th Infantry Regiment Association’s 5-year effort to fund-raise and emplace the monument. The monument honors the Regiment’s lineage, its service to the nation, and the sacrifice of its fallen. Don’t Tread On Me! Warriors!!”
Honorary Sergeant Major of the Regiment, CSM(R) Chip Mezzaline, prior 1SGT in 2nd Battalion said about the gathering, “Soldier’s rally and form on the Company Guide on, Battalion, Brigade, and National Colors. When trumpets fade and the formation is no longer home it is only fitting that a 4th Infantry Regiment Monument be constructed and dedicated. The monument will serve as a rallying point for those Soldier’s both past and present who call the 4th Infantry Regiment home. It was a distinct honor to be present with those of you who were there and to know that we remember all of those who have served in the Regiment. I would like to thank all of those who made this possible and I would like to thank the National Infantry Museum for providing a world class event. “

We want to thank all that attended the Ceremony and making this such a special and memorable event. We had over 100 Veterans , Active Duty members and Family members present for the ceremony. Join us in 2023 back at Ft Benning for our Regiment Reunion.
After the ceremony, we gathered in the National Infantry Museum for cake, drinks and special presentations.

Below are the drawings of the design for the Monument. Each panel will have something different on them. Panel 2 will have 1st Battalions’ Warriors that were KIA since 2001. Panel 3 will have 2nd Battalions’ Warriors that were KIA since 2005. Panel 4 will have the names of the 33 soldiers from 2-4 IN that died 18 AUG, 1971 in Pegnitz, Germany in a helicopter accident. Panels 5-8 will have the Campaigns/Battles the Regiment/Battalions are given credit for. The oblelisk is four sided and the front side will have the Regiment Coat of Arms, “Organized 1812” below it and above “4th U.S. Infantry Regiment.” On the rear will be the Regiment Distinguished Unit Insignia “Warriors” above it and “Noli Me Tangere” below it. There will also be a carving of the Battle of Monterrey on the rear. On the right side will the four Presidents that have either led or served in the Regiment and on the left side will be the 4 Medal of Honor Recipients that were in the Regiment at the time of their actions. This is a living Monument and may be added to in the future.
We would like to thank the City of Columbus, Georgia for once again hosting us and the National Infantry Museum Foundation for their support. We also would like to thank the the great team at Skyepointe Decisions, Inc for their generous support.
Our gratitude is also sent to the folks at Relevant Technology Inc for their generous support.
We would also want to make sure we thank The 10th Mountain Whiskey and Spirit Company of Vail, CO for your continued support of the Association and Veterans of the 4th Infantry Regiment.
Our host hotel is AC Marriott in beautiful downtown Columbus Georgia. Thank you for your support.
The 4th Infantry Regiment Veteran’s Association is a 501(c)3 organization and all funds raised designated for the Monument Fund are earmarked for this project. This project is set up to honor the 4th Infantry Regiment’s history and the service of the soldiers that have served and to the soldiers that have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
The Monument was emplaced at the Walk of Honor, National Infantry Museum in Fort Benning, GA. October 9, 2021.
How you can contribute
Now is the time to step up and take action. See the bottom of this page to donate and make this dream a reality.
Send check/money order (payable to “4th Infantry Regiment Veteran’s Association) 4th Infantry Regiment Veteran’s Association, 35 Castlerock Drive, Sanford, NC 27332.
Current Situation (2021)
The Regiment has two battalions on Active Duty,
1st Battalion stationed in Hohenfels, Germany. They are the OPFOR at the Joint Maneuver Readiness Center (JMRC). The 1st Battalion currently wears the patch of the Seventh Army. The letter “A” for “Army” is formed by seven steps indicating the numerical designation of the unit. The colors suggest the three basic combat branches which make up a field army – blue for Infantry, red for Artillery, and yellow for Armor (Cavalry).
2nd Battalion is located at Fort Polk, Louisiana as part of the 3rd Brigade 10th Mountain Division. 2nd Battalion currently wears the patch from the 10th Mountain Division.
The 3rd Battalion was activated in 2010 for a deployment of Afghanistan and then deactivated in 2012 from Germany. It was assigned to the 170th Infantry Brigade Combat Team.
Here are a few of the tabs and badges seen worn by the Leaders and Soldiers of the Regiment today.

Thanks to the below businesses for supporting us.